Friday 14 May 2010

My only son

My teenaged son has been complaining of back pain on and off for a couple of months but nothing stuck, it came and went so there didn't seem to be any point seeing a doctor after all he is a healthy, active boy, keen on sport etc.  This week however, after a fall in PE he is in considerable pain and struggles with almost every movement, so I took him to the surgery.  The doctor we saw was a locum whom we had never met before.  He started off by prodding the vertabrae so C showed him exactly where the pain is, after which the Dr never touched him again, didn't ask any further questions but made assumptions such as 'since you haven't mentioned any tingling in your feet there isn't any nerve involvement'.  He didn't ASK about pins and needles or any other sensations or deficits and certainly didn't examine him at all.  He then pronounced his diagnosis, prescribed Ibuprofen and Ibuleve, suggested that C should look up Pilates on the web, and said that he should be "a new man" in 24 hours!  You can imagine how much this impressed me!   
We returned today as he is still in so much pain, we saw another doctor and things couldn't have been more different.   I had no expectations that the diagnosis would be any different but felt that he deserved better treatment than he had received especially as he is in so much pain.   He was thoroughly examined and closely questioned, blood tests and x-ray have been ordered and a physiotherapy referral made.  As the medication prescribed earlier had not been very effective the doctor prescribed something stronger because, as he said, the body needs to keep moving, or the pain will get worse but the pain needs to be under control to allow that movement.   Thank goodness some doctors are on the ball.

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