Friday, 7 May 2010


We bought our daughter a pair of boots for Christmas.  She suffers from Raynaud's syndrome so when we spotted these we thought they would be good for keeping her feet warm in the winter months, and also help her to stay upright on her feet when there is snow and ice on the ground.  She certainly got a good opportunity to try them out this winter.

She wore them on Christmas day which was very icy underfoot and landed on her behind within minutes - but then what do you expect when you try to run on sheet ice?  They have served her well as she has walked to and from college over the winter months. 

There is however one big drawback to these boots - take a look at the soles - which are specially designed to grip in snow and ice.

They also seem to be designed to grip every ounce of mud which is walked through and apparently even where there is none, because she swears she doesn't walk through mud.  They are also designed to release that mud the moment their soles land on a carpet!  As we don't have a porch or boot room there is no option but to enter the house and then take them off and surprisingly the tiny clods of mud scatter throughout the hall and kitchen.  Of course they don't release all their mud in one go - they save some for when they are put back on and then scatter it again - just to ensure that I have to vacuum it up again.

It was ever thus.

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