Saturday, 8 May 2010


There may prove to be quite a lot about books on this blog as I am a voracious reader when I get the opportunity.

I have heard a lot about Catcher in the Rye over the years but it was one of those books which I had never got around to reading, however, as it had been brought to my attention again this week I determined that I really should.  I ordered it from Amazon and it arrived very promptly courtesy of Amazon Prime, but I was very disciplined about it and left it to one side until I had finished the book I was already reading.  I cannot claim that I am always so disciplined when it comes to books, sometimes I have 2 or 3 on the go at once.  As it seems to be so popular and a long term success I could be very posey and claim that Catcher in the Rye is the best book I have ever written but that would not be true.  I admit I am only part way through the book but so far it has been tedious in the extreme and I am not eagerly taking every opportunity to pick the book up.   I am willing to be wrong if it does take wings and fly in the coming chapters, indeed I am willing it to do so.

I won't be holding my breath though.

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