In the middle of this, DD dropped some of her revision files on her finger and shattered a nail, the whole neighbourhood heard the screaming. As she is going out this evening I had to find the time to repair her nail. Actually it was a bit of a relief as it gave me a chance to sit down for a while. Only son was very selective about the type of help he was willing to give; for which read "not a lot" although he did eventually decide to mow the lawns.
Our garden is very small but we do manage to pack a lot into it. Flower beds, pond, seating area, patio, large strawberry patch (because they took over) and various veggie areas. Usually in our small garden we grow, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, salad onions, potatoes, french beans, peas, dessert apples, cooking apples, herbs and whatever else takes our fancy.

These photos are from a couple of years ago but they give a pretty fair representation of what our little patch of green looks in summer.