Monday, 9 August 2010

How will God answer prayer?

After being made redundant for the third time several years ago, my husband turned to temporary work on a contract basis rather than being unemployed and trying to claim benefits.  For several years this worked very well and he worked constantly but with the downturn in the economy came cut back in his field of expertise, and employers are less willing to pay for agency workers so last year for the first time he was unemployed for several months.  With the help of savings and a large overdraft we got through it although singed round the edges.  He is now in the second week of unemployment again and we do not have the resources we had last time.  The fact that my dear husband decided to seek work wherever and however he could get it (i.e. by contracting)  means that we are not entitled to any benefits and the mortgage protection insurance policy we had paid throughout our marriage had become invalid.  We could have just claimed on it when he first became redundant but we decided to work to pay the mortgage instead  so it seems pretty unfair but those are the rules.  This is incredibly hard and we don't know what is going to happen but we do trust God to provide for our needs.  Sometimes though we question the level of our trust and ask ourselves repeatedly how God is going to get us out of this one.  It becomes so easy and so tempting to try to second guess God or even (!) make suggestions about how he might to it to Him.  The presumption is staggering.  I'm sure you must have heard the old adage about the way to make God laugh being to tell Him your plans!  Today our daughter came to me and showed me what God had prompted her to read today.  She had read John 11:6 where Jesus heard that his friend Lazarus was sick but instead of rushing to his side and healing him, Jesus stayed where he was for another two days.  Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus were perplexed that Jesus didn't come until their brother was dead and buried.  Jesus could have healed him of his sickness but he chose not to.  Would healing Lazarus have been the answer to Mary and Martha's prayers?  Most definitely.  Would it have demonstrated God's glory?  Undoubtedly.  By waiting and restoring their brother to them from the grave rather than from a sickbed God bestowed so many more blessings.  He demonstrated his glory and power in a far more potent way, He showed Mary and Martha that He is able to do far more than we ask of Him, and he gave the greatest gift of all to His friend, Lazarus; He showed him that death is not the end for Christians, He made clear that He is there with us even at that final hour in this world and gave Lazarus the great blessing of absolute confidence that there is nothing whatever to fear in death.   In this God demonstrates so clearly that He does not answer our prayers in what we think are the obvious ways but in His own good and perfect way, and sometimes in very strange ways.
So for us in our situation - we still do not know what God is going to do, we do not know how God will provide for our needs but we do know that He is able to do more than we can ever ask for or hope for.  One of the evident blessings which God has given us already is the way He has upheld and boosted the faith of our daughter.
I would love to be able to post here in a few days that God has provided work for us and that we have a regular and secure income but if that doesn't happen then I pray that God will give me the grace to rejoice in Him for His own sake,  to continue to trust Him,  to continue to seek His will for all our lives and the wisdom to discern His leading.  

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