Sunday, 4 July 2010

Weekends - I do give a fig.

We don't often get to the windows at the back of the house to look out over the garden, the children's bedrooms are at the back and I am not always brave enough to enter.  When we did last get a good look out there we discovered that the felt on the roof of the shed was in a poor state, hanging off in places and torn in others.  It needed re-doing pretty quickly.  The trouble with that was finding a small enough roll of felt.  I could have bought a roll in one of the DIY sheds but it measured about 20 metres and cost upwards of £30, which is a bit much for one small shed.  We never go near e-bay but a friend found a roll which was only 5metres long by 1  metre wide, it cost less than £8 and as it was not too far from where David is working he was able to go and pick it up.  One up for ebay.  I spent yesterday evening hanging from a ladder removing the old felt and trying to get the new stuff on.  That may not seem like a difficult task except that the shed is in a corner of the garden, tight up against the fence so there wasn't a lot of room to get a ladder in and where I could get it in, it was pressing up against the side boards of the shed roof - just the boards which I needed to be able to ease back to get the felt down the sides to hold it in place. This is where the hanging from ladders comes in as I leant back and pulled the ladder away from the shed whilst still standing on it.

I've also managed to get lots of planting done and the garden is now looking much tidier.

I was given a fig tree earlier in the week and it has been in my south facing garden for the rest of the week  and now I have a ripe fig which I haven't yet picked.  I am looking forward to that.

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