Monday, 20 August 2012

Quick Catch up

Way back in February I blogged that I was waiting for a knee replacement operation and that the scheduled date had been cancelled because someone failed to do their job properly and vital information was not passed on to the surgeon.  It took a lot of phone calls and emails but I finally got the operation done.  Many of those communications were because I didn't want to travel to a hospital in another county for that operation, but sadly it was my only option.  It was too far for my family to visit every day but by the grace of God we have friends living within driving distance of the hospital I was in and they visited when my family couldn't.  
Five days after the  procedure I was home and getting on with recovery.  I had a very special reason for wanting to be home so soon as two days later it was the anniversary of the day my husband and I were married - and not just any anniversary but our Silver Wedding Anniversary - wow, where did those 25 years go?  The timing of the surgery means that we have yet to celebrate it but we have plenty of time and can wait.  I got through the weeks of physiotherapy very well and it has been incredibly helpful, and my follow up appointments with the surgeon were very positive - I don't have to go back for another year now.

We were grateful for 25 years of marriage and delighted to hit that milestone, but it rather paled into insignificance the following day as my parents in law celebrated their Diamond wedding.  We just have another 35 years to go to match their achievement!  We were able to celebrate their anniversary at the weekend with a family dinner in a local hotel, when we managed to gather all the extended family together for the first time in some years.  It was not easy for me, but dosed up on morphine and moving carefully, I managed not only to enjoy it, but even to stay awake - morphine really knocks me out.  

Since then we have celebrated our daughter's 21st birthday, and in a few months will be doing the same for our son's 18th.  In between we have special birthdays for members of our extended family - a 40th, 30th already down and a 60th coming up.  As you can see - a very busy year for us.

I think that has brought Knight Times up to date with the notable news.  We have lots more going on but that will save for another time.