Monday, 29 November 2010

A Job!

Goodness - I hadn't realised that it was so long since I last posted on here.  It has been a very busy time for me.  On one morning a few weeks ago I had the urge to visit a local shopping centre - one of those Designer Outlets.  There are often little notices in shop windows saying that they need staff, the first place I went to had one of those and when I went in they wanted someone part-time in the middle of the day.  I walked in for a chat and came out with the job.  I have been there for over three weeks now and although it doesn't pay much every little helps.  I have really suffered for it, with blisters and sore feet - oh how my feet have hurt!  My legs have hurt and my knee has swollen, but it is (almost) worth it - my feet & legs are just about getting used to it and the (pitiful) income has been a great help.  My family have a habit to feed - it is called "eating" and my income pays for it.  
There have been times when I really have not wanted to go into work, there have been times when I have been there when I just wanted to be at home, but on the whole I enjoy it.  It is not, and never will be, my dream job but it is good to have a job to go to, to be able to interact with other people and to have a challenge.    
My husband has his first interview in months tomorrow when he has to get himself to London by mid-morning.  Typically the weather has taken a turn for the worse  just as he needs to travel, so he decided that it would be wiser to go by train and after all there is a London train from the station around the corner from us, all very convenient and helpful.   This morning however he discovered that most of the London Trains on Grand Central were cancelled today and with more snow forecast this evening and overnight we are not hopeful that they will be running tomorrow.  We will need to pray that things work out for him.  
Temperatures have plummeted here and the snow is causing many problems but we are not too badly affected just yet.  Beth is not impressed that they have had only a light dusting of snow on the West side of the country - she is hoping for more snow - silly girl.