Monday, 13 September 2010

Positivity in education

I went to school this morning for a special celebration assembly.  A celebration of achievement.  When the students make extra effort they are rewarded with positive comments or stamps in their planners.  When they get three stamps they get a credit and at the end of the year if the number  of credits exceeds a given number they are rewarded with vouchers to spend on books, music or whatever else they want.  They also get rewards for 100% attendance.  In all the ethos is to encourage a positive attitude to learning and on the whole it works very well.

Saturday, 11 September 2010


We watched the coverage of the commemoration of the anniversary of September 11 today.  It is so sad that that act of terrorism has had such lasting consequences for so long, and I should think it will continue for a long time to come.  This however is a day for reflecting and remembering.  Everyone will remember for the rest of their lives where they were on that day at 2pm when the news started to come through.  I was saddened and irritated that the broadcast of the ceremony on BBC news 24 was marred by the presenters talking over the reading of the names and even conducting an interview!!  Who thought that was a good idea chaps?

Later this evening we enjoyed the last night of the Proms - a brazen festival of patriotism, fitting, given the date, that we are celebrating the things that are good about our society with joy and gusto.  Super music, great musicians and a brilliant soloist as the entree before the dessert of the traditional romping tunes of the finale.  I wish we expressed our pride and patriotism more often than once a year.  We need to.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Back to school

Sad to say school is back and the daily schedule is dictated by school hours.  Christopher is now in Year 11 - his last year of school and into GCSEs, where have the years gone?   I can't say much more about school because he never tells us anything about it other than it is boring!!

At home Elizabeth and I are still preparing for the advent of university.  She is counting not only the days but the hours too, although her excited anticipation is mingled with anxiety over the unknown element.  Her new laptop arrived yesterday but she had to wait for her cousin to come and sort out the internet connection for her.  I had done it but it didn't work, all he did was redo it :(  He assures me that this often happens, don't know that it makes me feel any better.

Whilst my nephew was sorting out computer problems today Beth was sitting trying to do things on her computer, she talks to it as she is using it, sometimes quietly and sometimes, as today, she rants at it.  She started complaining at it today along the lines of "No- I don't want to uninstall that program, that is why I clicked on the uninstall button, I am perverse that way, why won't you just do what I want you to?"  To which a quiet voice from the corner by the wireless router said "If you gave me a bit less attitude I might do what you want"  It was so funny to see her face as she started to get the idea that "the laptop" might argue back.  A little later she was gently talking to it as she was doing things on it, Marc and I were exchanging looks and raised eyebrows then he quietly (again) said "use your inside voice Elizabeth" which made her laugh so much that she almost dropped the laptop - eek.  The whole thing was hysterical but I guess you had to be there!
I have been writing another blog  for students with recipes and basic cookery no-how to ensure that she and her friends don't either starve, waste all their money on takeaways, poison themselves or wreck the kitchen.  The latter may seem to be something of an exaggeration but it did happen with one of her friends.  I must be mad because I have agreed for that same friend to use my kitchen to cook a meal for her and more of their friends.  Most of the recipes on that site are my daughter's favourites and I am astonished at the predominance of CHEESE.  Virtually every recipe contains it although today's offering - chicken curry - doesn't.  Yaay.